The five-month strategic planning process is now complete and the strategic plan has been finalized.  It resulted in the delivery of seven reports and the most comprehensive evaluation of the Pennyrile region available.  The first five provide in-depth analysis of the region from a variety of perspectives: general economy, workforce conditions, business and infrastructure assets, educational assets, and target industries.  The final two reports offer recommendations on how to growth the region's economy in the future and align workforce and economic development activities. 

Phase One:  Workforce Analysis

During Phase One, the consulting team conducted an in-depth assessment of the Pennyrile region. 

The process began by updating statistical information about the region's economy and workforce conditions. 

The team then toured each county and conducted focus groups and interviews with over 200 people.  An online questionnaire was also made available so that all residents of the Pennyrile had an opportunity to share their opinion about the region's future.  The input helped shape the strategy and gave the consulting team rich information about the issues affecting the Pennyrile.

Next, an evaluation of the region's educational infrastructure and assets revealed strengths and gaps in the talent pipeline.

Phase Two: Emerging Sector Analysis and Plan

During Phase Two, the consulting team evaluated the region's industry base and recommend targets for future business recruitment, expansion, and entrepreneurship initiatives. The process concluded with strategic recommendations for aligning workforce, community, and economic development efforts to prepare the region for target industry growth.